مواقع للزيارة

 Sites of interest

Lawrence’s spring: where Lawrence of Arabia reputedly washed during the Arab Revolt. Has an attractive rock inscriptions on nearby rocks.
Khazali canyon: deep, narrow fissure in the mountain side, containing many rock inscriptions.
Sunset sites: winter and summer sites, where you get the most dramatic views of Wadi Rum as the sun sinks below the horizon.
Sand dunes: large area of sand dunes piled up against the mountains. Fun to climb to the top. Have desert-adapted plants
Rock bridge: spectacular natural rock arch, with great views.
Burrah canyon: long, deep canyon between dramatic mountains. Lots of sand in places. Very beautiful in early morning or late evening, when the sun turns the rock deep orange.
Alameleh Inscriptions: good example of ancient rock drawings, showing camels and wildlife.
Seven Pillars of Wisdom: famous landmark, named after the book by T. E. Lawrence (Lawrence of Arabia).
Siq Um Tawaqi: short canyon containing a carving of the head of T. E. Lawrence.
Sunset sites (Al Ghuroub ): winter and summer sites, Visitors can enjoy a spectacular sunsets and they can leave the stresses of work behind them and live out of time and place.
Anfashieh inscriptions: this mountain is famous for its formations and inscription. Anfashieh has numerous Thamudic and Nabataen inscriptions, next to it drawings of animals, humans, and camel caravans.
Nabatean Temple – Aretas (IV): Used by Nabatean to worship ALLAT (Goddes). This temple was built on the ruins of Allat temple of the AAD TRIBE.