اتصل بنا

More information on Wadi Rum and the activities and facilities available to visitors can be obtained through the contacts listed below. Bookings should be made through travel agents or tour operators in your own country or in Jordan. The library also contains references giving detailed information about the physical, ecological and archaeological interests of Wadi Rum.

 Protected Area Management

Wadi Rum
Aqaba Special Economic Zone
PO Box 2565
Aqaba 77110, Jordan.

From outside Jordan:
Tel: ++962 3 2090600
Fax: ++962 3 2032586

From inside Jordan:
Tel: 03 2090600
Fax: 03 2032586


Website: www.aqabazone.com
For more information about Wadi Rum contact us :



Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities
3rd circle – Jabal Amman

Tel: ++962 6 4603360
Fax: ++962 6 4648465

E-mail: contacts@tourism.jo
Website: www.tourism.jo

Jordan Toursim Board
PO Box 830688
Amman 11183

Tel: ++962 6 5678294
Fax: ++962 6 5678295

E-mail: info@jtb.com.jo
Website: www.see-jordan.com

 Wild Jordan
Royal society for the conservation of Nature
PO Box 1215
Jubaiha 11941
Amman, Jordan

Tel: ++962 6 4616523
Telefax: ++962 6 5334610

E-mail: tourism@rscn.org.jo
Website: www.rscn.org.jo
Other protected areas
Royal Society for the Conservation of Nature
PO Box 1215
Jubaiha 11941
Amman, Jordan

From outside Jordan
Tel ++962 6 5337931/2

From inside Jordan
Tel: 06 5337931/2

Fax: ++962 6 5347411

E-mail: adminrscn@rscn.org.jo
Website: www.rscn.org.jo